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Sirico Parables book

Page 35 of 90
  • Government greed beeds an 'occupation,' too

    Eminent domain abuse, bloated public pensions, deficit spending — which simply generate calls for future tax increases — and a tax code that discourages saving and investing are just a few examples of government greed.
  • Class warriors for big government

    Acting as unofficial scorekeeper, Sojourners Founder and CEO Jim Wallis recently declared, “There really is a class war going on, and the upper class is winning.” However, many of the class warfare protesters who are taking to the streets to “occupy” Wall Street and American cities are the disgruntled children of well-to-do parents. A quick sampling of video clips from the protests shows students from elite universities like Harvard, George Washington, and Columbia.
  • Jobs and deficits: The moral equation

    The Genesis account of creation tells us that from the beginning, humanity was created to work. God puts Adam in the garden to "work and watch over it." The Scripture provides an insight into our nature: We are all, man and woman, called into this life to find our vocation, the work that is uniquely ours and contributes to the flourishing of the wider community.
  • Time to end clergy tax breaks?

    I wonder whether or not under such a standard a Christian community can “be faithful in carrying out” its “mission” to speak for those in material need while at the same time accepting for themselves preferential treatment under the tax code.
  • School choice gains traction

    Some results we may reasonably expect from an expansion of education freedom include: More parents who take interest in and responsibility for their children’s education, more responsive and cost-conscious educational professionals, and more children who know how to read and add.