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Sirico Parables book

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  • Good work never ends

    Two recent examples from western Michigan help to illustrate the fact that God designed human beings to be blessings to others through their work and service.
  • Why austerity isn't enough

    Does France's raising of the official retirement age from 60 to 62 really constitute "hardship"? Does Greece's effort to reduce its public sector payroll expenses from a 2009 high of 55 percent of state revenues to something close to the 40 percent figure recorded in 2000 represent "privation"?
  • The power of market-driven diversity

    The story of Chicago-based Supreme Life Insurance Company of America, one of the most venerable black-owned businesses in American history, challenges the prevailing fiction that minority customers need the government to guarantee services for them and is a dynamic reminder of the power of markets as a basis for economic freedom.
  • Contagious community

    Last year’s movie Contagion, which featured a star-studded ensemble cast, was successful in large part because it portrayed in a concrete, realistic, and believable way some of the deepest fears of human beings. All of us recognize, to one extent or another, the precious gift that life is, and we also recognize life’s inherent fragility. This shared human understanding is one of the things that makes disaster stories—films in particular—so popular.
  • Europe's Right in disarray

    The rise and fall of Nicolas Sarkozy should remind them that long-term political success must involve more than simply winning office in order to mildly impede the European Left from getting everything it wants.
  • Vatican affirms 'supernatural' purpose to work life

    To very little fanfare, the Vatican office responsible for social and economic issues has published a pro-business statement that will surely be anathema to the Occupy Wall Street/Michael Moore factions in the Church and in society. For the rest of us, this should be welcome news because it helps us understand the cause of that growth, which is business, in its proper moral and, indeed, religious context.
  • Indian country’s American nightmare

    If anyone believes the federal government knows what is best for local communities, they should visit an American Indian Reservation. Native Americans are currently immersed in a health care and economic deprivation nightmare that is the consequence of government interference, inefficiency, and inhumane policies. The Native American narrative is one of government creating problems and then, in the name of offering solutions, making matters worse by depriving local communities of their autonomy.
  • Benedict XVI: God's revolutionary

    For Pope Benedict, sanctity is what it’s all about, no matter how many times we fall on the way. Moreover, it’s only sanctity that produces that breath of fearless and indestructible goodness that truly changes the world.
  • The Left resumes its war on history

    What does an Argentine-born Cuban Communist revolutionary executed in the Bolivian jungle 45 years ago have in common with a small town on Ireland's west coast? Apart from tenuous ancestral connections, the answer is nothing. Recent attempts, however, to manufacture such an association have provided yet another illustration of the Left's ongoing determination to whitewash history.