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Sirico Parables book

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  • Linking gun control to mental health misguided, ineffective

    President Obama has set in motion a slew of executive actions to combat gun violence in America, prompted by the Newtown shooting that left 26 children and adults dead. Restricting access to guns, especially by the mentally ill, in order to achieve peace seems an obvious solution. However, linking Second Amendment rights and mental health is nonsensical, and fails to address the source of America’s issue with violence.
  • The mundane morality of Les Misérables

    It is tempting to think sometimes that the basic rules of morality do not apply to us, that we are somehow above or beyond the law. But the reality is that there is no special morality for those who exercise greater responsibilities.
  • Becoming Europe

    Europeanization means the spread throughout America of economic expectations and arrangements directly at odds with our republic’s founding. These lead to the prioritizing of economic security over economic liberty; to the state annually consuming close to 50 percent of GDP; to the ultimate economic resource (i.e., people) aging and declining in numbers; to extensive regulation becoming the norm; and perhaps above all, to a situation in which economic incentives lie not in work, economic creativity, and risk-taking, but rather in access to political power.
  • The hopes and fears of all the years

    God's care for His world – to the point of sending His Son to be born, live, die, and rise again – provides us with a model for dealing with our own hopes and fears in a world so often full of despair and darkness.
  • Something vastly more powerful than evil

    How can we speak of joy with the knowledge that the lovingly wrapped gifts for those 20 children, all of them six or seven years of age, would remain unopened under the brightly decorated trees in their families’ homes? By penetrating the very core of what Christmas means.
  • Christmas and secularism’s futility

    Every December cultural warriors mourn the incessant attacks on Christmas and secularism’s rise in society. News headlines carry stories of modern day Herods banning nativity scenes, religious performances, and even the word “Christmas.” Just as a majority of young people profess they will have less prosperity and opportunity than their parents, many people now expect less out of Christmas. Continual bickering over holiday messaging in corporate advertising itself points to a shrinking and limited Christmas.
  • Government subsidies not so sweet for health

    In yet another example of the unintended consequences of government meddling in the economy, a new study shows that large amounts of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) found in national food supplies across the world may be one explanation for the rising global epidemic of Type 2 diabetes and resulting higher health care costs.
  • Living in the shadow of the fiscal cliff

    After the election results earlier this month, the next big issue facing President Barack Obama and Congress is the so-called “fiscal cliff,” a series of discretionary spending cuts and tax increases that, in lieu of some action taken in the meantime, would kick in automatically at the end of this year and the beginning of 2013.
  • Sacrifice and self-interest

    One of the complaints often rendered against the market economy is that it encourages selfish behavior. This picture of the marketplace is that of a kind of war of all against all, with each participant out only to maximize his or her own individual benefit. But is there more to the market?