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Sirico Parables book

Page 46 of 90
  • Imagine you are a doctor

    Now imagine how you would feel if the rest of us got together and proposed that the government should become the primary client for medical services. As part of the deal, the government will determine how much you will be paid.
  • The not-so-Green pope

    Pope Benedict does not make the mistake of romanticizing nature, which can, after all, be very cruel. Nor is he afraid to underline the dark, anti-human side to much Green ideology.
  • Healthcare, democracy, and freedom

    Just as in 1993, the issue of government healthcare has risen to the top of the public agenda, taking attention away from war in the middle east. While the iconic “Harry and Louise” have switched sides, the fundamental issues remain the same. Healthcare provides a giant chunk of our national economic activity. Though government is significantly involved through Medicare (now facing future insolvency) and Medicaid, the question is whether the government’s control over healthcare, either direct or indirect, should become even more extensive.
  • The problem with 'business ethics'

    Amidst the ongoing recriminations concerning responsibility for the 2008 financial crisis, business leaders continue to be listed among the guilty. Of course any objective analysis of the financial crisis soon indicates that politicians and central bankers were just as, if not more responsible for facilitating the financial perfect storm.
  • The Pope, the rabbi, and the moral economy

    What the pope and the rabbi question are those who limit morality to politically correct causes and the associated refusal of many working in our economies to acknowledge, in the rabbi’s words, that “[w]ithout a shared moral code there can be no free society.”