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Sirico Parables book

Page 82 of 90
  • California dreamin’?

    September 23, 2002, marked a historic day in California legislative history: California Governor Gray Davis signed into law the California Family Rights Acts of 2002 (CFRA). This act, pursued vigorously by women’s groups and labor unions, provides workers who take off work to care for a new child or a sick family member, up to 55 percent of their salary for six weeks.
  • Educational choice? Not according to Congress

    The NEA and other educational elites, are using diversionary arguments against Educational Savings Accounts to distract from the real goal: limiting parental choice and control in their children’s education
  • Harvard's Civil Rights Project misses the mark

    Public schools are segregated in fact because Americans, by and large, choose freely to live in segregated communities – not because they have to but because they want to. Do African Americans and Latinos need to be around white students in order to learn and perform well?
  • Social Security has its own accounting problems

    While the scandals associated with the apparent cases of fraudulent accounting schemes at Enron and WorldCom are serious, they pale in comparison to the current fraudulent accounting schemes employed by the United States government in connection with the Social Security system.
  • NEA above the law?

    Do teachers around the nation know where their union dues are going? Most often they do not when it comes to their membership in the National Education Association (NEA.