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Sirico Parables book

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  • The ethical challenge for business

    To confuse this political agenda with authentic ethics is not only an intellectual error. For students, it breeds a kind of cynicism that one’s moral obligations concerning business can be discharged by adhering, or pretending to adhere to, a certain brand of left-leaning politics.
  • The gift of Christmas

    Most Americans are quite religious. But because we don't have permission to talk about it in public, we end up talking only about money and comfort in public. Since we aren't allowed to "keep Christ in Christmas," all we have left is an extended binge of spending and eating.
  • Pro-growth heresy benefits the poor

    The mere utterance of the terms “pro-growth,” “investor class tax relief,” “tax cuts,” or “tax code simplification” is cause enough to get the “heretic” hauled before the Inquisition.
  • Government School Monopolies Leave Children Behind

    America’s failing government schools, the educational establishment, and the teachers’ unions are running scared, and they should be. On Tuesday, November 26, the federal Department of Education issued final rules for the implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. These rules give school districts 12 years to bring all students up to proficiency levels in reading, math, and science. In addition, students must show “adequate yearly progress” on national standardized tests. If they do not, schools can be designated as “failing”.
  • A decent man of business

    In a theological analysis of this answer, we would say that this businessman and employer recognized in his employee the dignity intrinsic to a person made in the image and likeness of God.
  • Education Reformation?

    As the moral and intellectual landscape of government schools continues to erode, serious questions are raised and serious solutions are required.
  • Performance Pay: Excellence for All

    Across America, teachers and students are back in school. But for many teachers, school did not end in May and begin again in August. These teachers spent their summers hard at work preparing classrooms and curriculum, bulletin boards and lesson plans. Indeed, these same teachers did not spend much of their summer on vacation; rather, they were busy—attending workshops and visiting teachers’ stores, always looking for that one key that may unlock learning for their students.
  • D.C.’s drug problem

    A crisis has beset our nation's capital, in the form of an out of control drug problem. I am not here referring to the very serious problem of illegal substance abuse in our nation's capital, but to the war being waged against our nation's pharmaceutical industry.