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Sirico Parables book

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  • FCC Deregulation and the Church Page

    No sooner had the Federal Communications Commission relaxed its limits on the ownership of broadcast properties than some members of the Senate Commerce Committee — Republicans and Democrats alike — issued dire warnings about the threat of an impending stranglehold on democratic society by Big Media. A possible legislative override of the decision was hinted at. Sen. Olympia Snowe, Republican of Maine, described the FCC’s June 2 decision as “a victory for free enterprise but it is not a victory for free speech.”
  • Enron is still with us

    What do Enron and the New York Times have in common? “Enronizing” the truth, fudging the facts, and turning blind eyes to the facts, for the sake of a "greater good."
  • The cost of confronting Fidel

    As the world waited for the war with Iraq to begin, Cuban dictator Fidel Castro was up to his old tricks. In early April, 75 Cuban dissidents—journalists, opposition party leaders, human rights advocates and pro-democracy activists were arrested, tried and convicted for treason as part of a crackdown that began on March 18. Since this crackdown began, three have already been executed and others placed in prison.
  • The sugar cane cutters of Bermejo: A lesson in self-reliance

    In March, I was one of 12 college students in partnership with Worldwide Christian Schools and COCREF, Colegios Cristianos Reformados (Christian Reformed Schools) who spent their spring break helping in the expansion of Apocalipsis Christian, an elementary school with 255 children in grades K-4
  • Teachers Need to be Taught, Too!

    The Book of Proverbs provides much insight into the living of a virtuous life and its truths are as valid today as they were nearly three thousand years ago. In the verse above, the author of Proverbs warns us that the person who hates being corrected is a person who is not wise and not likely ever to become so. No one enjoys being criticized, but most recognize that criticism and correction are essential for learning and living a virtuous life.