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Acton Annual Dinner 2024 Mobile Banner

    Dear Friends,

    I am delighted to report that the Acton Institute has enjoyed yet another year of growth and success. We recently marked the halfway point in our strategic three-year plan to double our programs for future religious leaders, and we are ahead of schedule on many of the three-year plan’s major objectives.

    Highlights in 1999 include a staggering 93% increase in the number of students served by our programs when compared to 1998 (a year that marked a 41% increase from 1997), a robust series of academic accomplishments from our Center for Economic Personalism, and the launch of an entirely new program, the Environmental Stewardship Project, an initiative of the Acton Institute devoted to the promotion of theologically and economically sound thinking on environmental issues.

    The success and expansion of our work hinge upon your support and prayers. Quite simply, your investment in the Acton Institute changes lives. Through our work, seminarians gain an appreciation of a free society, and business leaders grow in their understanding of the moral possibilities offered by the marketplace.

    You recently received our annual year-end appeal letter. I ask that you consider a special donation to the Acton Institute this year, as we rely heavily upon this appeal to meet our annual budget.

    In making a year-end contribution, you enable the Acton Institute to continue its activities into the coming millennium. Your gift ensures that we will maintain our leadership role in educating religious leaders in the essential elements of a free and virtuous society.

    I remain deeply grateful for your partnership. Best wishes for a happy holiday season,

    Fr. Robert A. Sirico