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Sirico Parables book

    20th Acton Anniversary Dinner Largest Ever

    Over 600 guests attended the Acton Institute's Annual Dinner for a special 20th anniversary celebration of the institute in downtown Grand Rapids on October 21.

    Rev. Robert A. Sirico delivered the keynote address reminding those gathered that we must get Christian anthropology correct if we are going to get anything correct at all. Rev. Sirico pressed the importance of understanding who we are in our origins, as humans created in the image of God, "and what we are called to in our eternal destiny." Rev. Sirico also declared, "It is not politics that is going to save us, but it is right thinking that is going to save us. And the big elephant in the room is that politicians are followers, not leaders."

    To the delight of the attendees, Rev. Sirico was introduced by his brother, film actor Tony Sirico. Tony Sirico is most famous for playing "Paulie Gualtieri" in the television series "The Sopranos." Kate O'Beirne, who is president of the National Review Institute, served as the master of ceremonies for the evening.

    Mr. David Bahnsen, writing on The Bahnsen Viewpoint, offered these kind words about the evening:

    I am inspired, as always, to hear Father Sirico speak. I was entertained to hear his brother, Tony Sirico of "The Sopranos" fame introduce him. But beyond a wonderful evening with like-minded lovers of liberty and market economics, I also leave Grand Rapids tomorrow a more equipped believer. God is working through this Institute.

    If you would like to listen and watch clips from Rev. Sirico's address and remarks from other speakers at the dinner, you can visit Acton's YouTube page at

    The Acton Institute would like to extend a special thank you to the many friends and supporters who attended the dinner and helped to make this anniversary event truly memorable.

    DeVos Honored with Faith & Freedom Award

    Mr. Richard M. DeVos was the recipient of the Acton Institute Faith and Freedom Award at the Annual Dinner on October 21. DeVos spent much of his address giving thanks to God and talking about how the Lord has been a deep influence for not only his business dealings but his personal life.

    Rev. Robert A. Sirico praised DeVos for his understanding that the "roots of liberty and the morally charged life are to be found in the eternal truths of the Judeo-Christian tradition."

    The Faith and Freedom Award was established as part of the Acton Institute's 10th anniversary celebration in 2000. The award recognizes an individual who exemplifies commitment to faith and freedom through outstanding leadership in civic, business, or religious life. Past recipients include, with date of award: John Marks Templeton (2000); Cardinal Van Thuan (2002); Rocco Buttiglione (2004); Charles W.Colson (2006); Mart Laar (2007); and William F.Buckley (2008).

    News Roundup

    Just over 200 guests attended the Acton Institute's "Chicago Open Mic" event at the University Club of Chicago on November 4. Panelists at the event included Acton President Robert A. Sirico, Mr. Joseph A. Morris, who is a partner in the law firm of Morris & De La Rosa and Mr. Brian S. Wesbury, who is the Chief Economist at First Trust Advisers L.P., a financial services firm based in Wheaton, Illinois. The panel discussed and took questions primarily related to government debt and the future of the economy.

    Please join us in Naples, Florida on January 22 for an event headlined by Mr. Chuck Colson and Rev. Robert A. Sirico at The Port Royal Club. Please contact Kimberly Brink at [email protected] for more information regarding this opportunity.

    Soon, you will receive our year-end appeal which accounts for a substantial portion of our income. Our unique and important mission needs your reinvestment for continued success. Please know we are deeply humbled and honored by your commitment of friendship and support.