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    The University of Pennsylvania’s Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) recently released its 10th Annual Think Tank Report. Chatham House was named “Think Tank of the Year,” while Brookings Institution was listed as the “Top Think Tank Worldwide” and the “Top Think Tank in the United States.” Acton and Argentine subsidiary, Instituto Acton, appear in the report:

    • Acton Institute is 11th (out of 100) in the Top Social Policy Think Tanks ranking.
    • Acton Institute is 29th (out of 90) in the Top Think Tanks in the United States.
    • In Top Think Tanks Worldwide, Acton ranks 156th (out of 175).
    • 8th (out of 90) in Best Advocacy Campaign for PovertyCure.
    • 24th (out of 65) in Best Think Tank Conference for Acton University.
    • Instituto Acton was ranked 138th (out of 148) for Best Independent Think Tanks.

    In his introduction to the report, James G. McGann addresses trends in think tanks and the 2016 presidential election. “Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders both tapped into the deep discontent in a sizable segment of the American electorate,” he explains. “The platforms of these two candidates were cut from the same cloth but are sewn by different tailors. They are both Nationalists, Nativists and Protectionists.” He also offers several explanations of the great discontent of the global electorate:

    • Globalization fed into an economic insecurity and sense of loss for many.
    • International terrorism, violent crime and drug use have caused “physical insecurity” for many communities.
    • Demographic shifts are leading to a loss of a sense of identity. The world has shifted from being “bi-polar” to “multipolar,” meaning no one and everyone is in charge.
    • Leaders have failed to understand the needs of their citizens.

    Acton will continue to connect good intentions with sound economics and work to fight this discontent. We appreciate your continued support.