Dado que el coronavirus es el más importante en los pensamientos de la mayoría hoy – como es comprensible – no sorprende que otros eventos importantes se nos escapen. Consideren, por ejemplo
Como hemos visto en países como Venezuela, Ecuador y Nicaragua, los populistas latinoamericanos de la izquierda están contentos de trabajar dentro de los sistemas democráticos – al menos
No es noticia decir que Argentina tiene graves problemas económicos. Con pocas excepciones, eso ha sido el caso desde hace décadas. Pero eventos recientes subrayan cuánto la situación es
This will be my last letter from Rome, as I am resigning as director of Istituto Acton, effective tomorrow, October 1. I started writing these monthly pieces in January 2010 to give you some
We should be skeptical of conspiracy theories, mainly because they assume too much skill and intelligence from conspirators. Experience tells us ignorance and incompetence are much more
I spent most of July traveling to various parts of the People’s Republic of China. Although I made brief trips to Hong Kong in 2000 and Beijing in 2016, I have never experienced anything
Last month’s Sohrab Ahmari-David French debate was the more recent skirmish about the meaning of American conservatism. Acton’s Joe Carter has helpfully compiled a reading list without
Greetings from Kraków, where I’ve just attended an Acton co-sponsored event on “ Europe between post-Enlightenment nihilism and the Islamic question” at the Pontifical University John Paul
Regular readers of this letter are already familiar with Rome’s degraded living conditions as chronicled by the Roma fa schifo website. The British press, which seems to take perverse joy in
There is no more sensitive issue for European politicians than that of Islamic immigration. The fact of mass immigration from Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East, Africa and South
The recently concluded Vatican summit on clerical sex abuse was a perplexing affair. One-hundred-ninety bishops representing their national episcopal conferences gathered to discuss a matter
We are living in a buyer’s market for criticisms of capitalism. American conservatives are debating the merits and demerits of Tucker Carlson’s January 2 monologue on Fox News. Carlson