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Sirico Parables book

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  • The Dream of a Free Lutheranism

    • Historians studying immigrant religion in America don’t generally spend a lot of time on Norwegian Lutherans. We’re a fairly small group, after all. But if you’re rash enough to “drill down
  • Arguing Like Augustine

    • Joshua D. Chatraw and Mark D. Allen’s The Augustine Way: Retrieving a Vision for the Church’s Apologetic Witnessaddresses two questions of major importance to churches and clergy: How do
  • Dorothy Sayers: A Self Entire

    • No doubt it is inconvenient for the writer, but one of the best things that can happen for readers is when a great writer—a truly great writer—is required by circumstances to work in popular
  • Can Americans Learn to Trust Again?

    • What does it mean to be trustworthy? In the realm of personal relationships, most people would have little trouble answering this question. A trustworthy person is honest, steadfast, and
  • The Sin of Wit

    • "When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him." Jonathan Swift Various Thoughts, Moral and Diverting In the
  • A Liberalism Not of This World

    • The utopian mind, Roger Scruton wrote in The Uses of Pessimism, is remarkable not merely for being detached from reality but for taking a certain pride in consciously rejecting reality