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Acton Annual Dinner 2024 Mobile Banner

Page 4 of 103
  • History for Life

    • I have to begin with a confession. I have found myself developing a bit of an allergy to the increasingly widespread use of the word flourishing. It seems to me to be an elusive term that is
  • Jesus and Class Warfare

    • Plenty of Marxists have turned to the New Testament and the origins of Christianity. Memorable examples include the works of F.D. Maurice and Zhu Weizhi’s Jesus the Proletarian. After
  • Up from the Liberal Founding

    • During the 20th century, scholars of the American founding generally believed that it was liberal. Specifically, they saw the founding as rooted in the political thought of 17th-century
  • Mistaken About Poverty

    • Perhaps it is because America is the land of liberty and opportunity that debates about poverty are especially intense in the United States. Americans and would-be Americans have long been
  • Creating an Economy of Inclusion

    • The poor have been the main subject of concern in the whole tradition of Catholic Social Teaching. The Catholic Church talks often about a “preferential option for the poor.” In recent years
  • Adam Smith and the Poor

    • Adam Smith did not seem to think that riches were requisite to happiness: “the beggar, who suns himself by the side of the highway, possesses that security which kings are fighting for” (