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Sirico Parables book

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  • Friendship in the Age of Facebook

    • It was never lost on me that Aristotle dedicated two of the 10 books of his Nicomachean Ethics to friendship. He clearly considered it to be entirely essential to a good human life. His
  • Lessons in Thoughtful Statesmanship

    • We inhabit a political moment that refuses to be taken seriously. Every attempt to take up the genuine challenges our country confronts is obstructed by a stubborn combination of crude
  • Worship in the Metaverse

    • Health is the silence of the organs. When one’s bodily organs function as they should, there is a relative silence within the body. A pancreas is neither heard nor felt as long as it is
  • The Screen Is Not Your Master

    • A day doesn’t go by without some new story on the subject of technology, whether from the “this technology will solve all our problems” camp to the “robot overlords are at the gates”
  • The Metaverse Does Not Exist

    • The metaverse does not exist, yet we’ve been talking about it for 30 years. This should not surprise, as its first appearance in the English language is in a work of fiction. The term’s
  • Friends, not Gods

    • David Bentley Hart’s new book takes its title from Jesus’ exchange with the Jews in John 10, in which he quotes a line from Psalm 82: “You are gods.” In Hart’s hands, Jesus’ quotation
  • The Abolition of Man Postponed

    • When you pick up Michael Ward’s After Humanity—a 240-page “guide” to a pamphlet which, in my copy, runs to 49 pages—it is hard not to ask yourself what C.S. Lewis himself would have made of