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Sirico Parables book

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  • Biography: Karol Wojtyla

    “Freedom is offered to man and given to him as a task. He must not only possess it but also conquer it. He must recognize the work of his life in a good use, in an increasingly good use of his liberty. This is the truly essential, the fundamental work, on which the value and the sense of his whole life depend.”
  • Reading Centesimus Annus

    Grasping the authentic significance of Centesimus Annus requires two approaches. First, one must read the encyclical on its own merits, independently of previous papal teaching. As objectively as possible, one can exegete its various passages to discern its thrust and priorities. Then one must read the document in the context of previous social pronouncements by the magisterium over the past one hundred years and see what new themes, developments, and directions the present encyclical initiates.
  • Economics and Theology: A Wondrous Exchange

    Attempts to write of one's own vocation often fall flat. A priest whom I know remarked recently on the fiftieth anniversary of his priestly ordination, “The Lord could have chosen much better, he could have chosen much worse. He chose me.” That is every vocation in sum, and saying anything more often means just multiplying words.
  • Centesimus Annus Turns Ten

    This year marks the tenth anniversary of John Paul II's most important social encyclical, Centesimus Annus. Taking its name from the first two words of the Latin text, the title means “the hundredth anniversary” and is a reference to Rerum Novarum, Pope Leo XIII's 1891 encyclical on the condition of the working classes.
  • How Christianity Created Capitalism

    • Capitalism, it is usually assumed, flowered around the same time as the Enlightenment–the eighteenth century–and, like the Enlightenment, entailed a diminution of organized religion. In fact
  • Is the Acton Institute a Catholic organization?

    With this issue dedicated to John Paul II, it is timely to address a common misunderstanding that Acton is affiliated somehow with the Roman Catholic Church. Sometimes we are also asked whether Acton is linked to the Christian Reformed Church in North America because of the strong Dutch Calvinist presence in Grand Rapids, Mich., where the CRC and the Acton Institute are both based. In either case, the answer is no.
  • Doubled-edged sword: The power of the Word

    There are other practices in Deuteronomy that are described as abominable, practices with a more readily identifiable detestable nature such as sorcery, idolatry, and offering children in pagan rites. It is among such company that the law places one who cheats another out of a few cents in business.
  • The dividends of social capital

    If a culture places importance on virtues that help create prosperity – honesty, fairness, personal responsibility, the importance of hard work, and respect for law – it creates an atmosphere of trust, which engenders spontaneous and voluntary collaboration and creates the conditions where business and entrepreneurship can flourish
  • Trust and entrepreneurship

    The virtue of trust is critical in a free-market economy, including for the risk taking – that is, entrepreneurship and investment – that drives economic growth forward. High degrees of trust must exist in the economic system, in the government, in businesses, and in consumers.