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Spire: Volume 1, Number 3

Faith, Family, and Formation


    In the serene community of Ave Maria, Florida, Sydney McManus along with her brothers, Chris and Regan LaMothe, carry forward a legacy of faith, education, and philanthropy established by their parents, Pat and Bill LaMothe. As directors of the Patricia A. and William E. LaMothe Foundation Inc., Sydney and her brothers continue their parents’ mission to revitalize authentic Catholic classical education across the United States and beyond—a mission that has been intertwined with the Acton Institute’s work for decades.

    The LaMothe family’s relationship with the Acton Institute began in the early days of the organization. “Father Sirico and Kris Mauren came to visit my dad when he was at the Kellogg Company in Battle Creek,” Sydney recalls. “They were just starting out, focusing on democracy, free markets, and religious liberty. My parents were all for it.”

    This initial connection blossomed into a long-standing partnership, with the LaMothe Foundation becoming one of the Acton Institute’s most steadfast and generous supporters. The family’s commitment to Acton’s mission of promoting a free and virtuous society aligned perfectly with their own values and philanthropic goals.

    “They saw what Father Sirico was doing was phenomenal,” Sydney explains. “He was rejuvenating and revitalizing Catholic education like my parents had grown up with in the ‘30s and ‘40s—really solid teaching of the faith and also how to think and reason.”

    The LaMothes’ generous support extended beyond financial contributions. They became active participants in Acton’s programs and events, consistently championing the Institute’s work in promoting the principles of individual liberty, limited government, and free markets—all underpinned by a strong moral foundation.

    As Pat’s health declined and Bill advanced in years, they sought to ensure that their legacy would continue to support Acton’s mission. In a pivotal conversation with Father Sirico, Bill LaMothe issued a challenge that would both shape the foundation’s future and strengthen its ties with Acton.

    “I want you to take Sacred Heart Academy and do that around the country,” Sydney recounts her father saying. Sacred Heart Academy was a struggling Catholic classical academy until its refounding by Father Sirico. Since then, it has gained accolades from numerous academic institutions, including Hillsdale College and the Classical Learning Test.

    This vision led to the creation of the St. John Henry Newman Institute, founded in part by Father Sirico to revitalize authentic Catholic classical education nationwide—a project that embodies the intersection of the LaMothe Foundation’s Catholic educational focus and Acton’s mission of fostering a free and virtuous society.

    The LaMothe Foundation’s impact, guided by Acton’s principles, extends beyond U.S. borders. Sydney proudly shares the story of Father Joseph Lugalambi, who runs an orphanage and school in Uganda, Our Lady of the Rosary. After attending Acton University two years ago—a program the LaMothes have generously supported through Acton U scholarships—Father Lugalambi was inspired to implement the Catholic classical program in his school.

    For the LaMothe Foundation, this work is not just about education—it’s about preserving culture and shaping future citizens in line with Acton’s vision. “What else matters if we’re going to lose our culture, too, if we don’t properly educate and form these kids who are going to be coming up to take over this great country and [institutions] around the world?” she asks.

    As she reflects on her parents’ legacy and their unwavering support of the Acton Institute, Sydney’s voice fills with emotion. “They were such faithful, Catholic, down-to-earth, hardworking, and wise people,” she says. “They loved this country and what it had originally been set up to be—which is exactly what Acton works to preserve and promote.”

    The Patricia A. and William E. LaMothe Foundation Inc. stands as a testament to the power of faith, family, and education in shaping a free and virtuous society—principles that are at the heart of the Acton Institute’s mission. Through its generous and continued support of Acton and initiatives like the St. John Henry Newman Institute, the Foundation is ensuring that future generations will have the grounding they need to think critically, reason soundly, and live virtuously.

    In a world where traditional values are often challenged, the LaMothe Foundation’s work, in partnership with the Acton Institute, serves as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path toward a society grounded in faith, reason, and freedom. Its generosity and commitment to Acton’s mission continues to make a lasting impact, fostering a legacy that will shape generations to come.