Acton Institute defies the traditional definition of a “think tank.” We aren’t based in Washington, DC, or America’s financial capital, New York City, like so many other think tanks. And we aren’t focused on immediate public policy concerns (although we have had spectacular moments testifying before Congress).
Acton’s vision is the long game.
We believe that when we move the culture in the direction of freedom, politics will follow. I realize it takes some faith to maintain that position, especially when we are tested in moments of anti-economic ideas and bad anthropology that have captured the commanding heights of culture. We are in one of those moments when, as a Christian and a free marketeer, I feel that my back is up against the wall. I’m pretty sure you often feel that way too.
But I’m writing to encourage you that Acton's long-term work is making a difference.
The Acton Institute focuses on recruiting, training, and equipping highly leveraged leaders with the foundational principles of human flourishing, which empowers them to defend free-market understanding in their circles of influence.
Through our publications, programming, and popular media, we continue to engage with our event alumni who are utilizing their God-given talents and creativity to change society.
One area where our alumni are having a great impact is in education, not just in America but worldwide.
From kindergarten to higher education, this issue of Spire is filled with stories of how Acton alumni are advancing Acton’s ideas in higher education and creating a new future for our children.
Over the past 34 years, we have ‘graduated’ over 15,000 alumni through our in-depth, in-person educational programs (e.g., Acton University, Free & Virtuous Society seminars, Liberty & Markets seminars). As you’ll read, each of the alumni featured in this edition of Spire is a catalyst for change in institutions through teaching, mentoring, and creating their own programs. Through their efforts, they are impacting hundreds (or thousands) of people with the vitalizing principles of human flourishing.
Acton’s work to train these leaders is only able to happen because of your generosity, faith, and support.
I am humbled and grateful for each of you. After reading this, I hope you are as proud as I am of what we have accomplished together.
Very truly yours,