No matter how bad off you think these workers are, there is one sure way to make their plight worse: cut off their place within the economy of the division of labor.
The tithe, one of the most critical facets of the economic Law, is much misunderstood today. It may be that non-farm laborers kept 100 percent of their income, tax-free.
The goal of any legal reform should be toward an evenhanded system of strict liability that would, insofar as it is possible, place blame for damages on those who caused the damage, while not unjustly punishing those who appear to have deep pockets.
The key to reconciling Christianity and classical liberalism by means of reconciling their definitions of freedom can be found in the Christian understanding of human nature.
We are by nature creators who can transform the earth’s natural resources to better sustain life, not merely consumers doomed to deplete the earth’s natural resources.
An important question needs to be raised: Is government welfare truly compassionate? Are the human needs of the people really served with governmental handouts?
In many ways, despite theological differences, I found in the life and thought of John Paul II an ally and a well-formed defense of a society that is both free and virtuous.
Many of the questions that came my way were of a personal nature, owing to the fact that I was baptized and confirmed by Pope John Paul in 1996, during the Easter Vigil Mass in St. Peter's Basilica.
From the beginning of human history, humans have exercised dominion over the material world. All components of nature (other than persons themselves) are resources that can be rightly used, and in some instances used up, for the benefit of persons. Through their use of things, people cause much of the material world to become property: that is, material morally tied in a special way to a particular person or persons.